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Finding Enlightenment

   I hear alot of conversations about people on the search for enlightenment, ascending to a higher platform on the spiritual ladder, and working so hard for their reward, the end to pain, suffering and life on this world as we know it. This is the state where we have completed all the lessons we were meant to learn and then live among the rest of the ascended masters, and bestowing our wisdom upon mankind. But how did they get there?

When you look at historical enlightened figures such as Buddha or Jesus, what is it that makes them so enlightened and so in touch with the higher knowledge and the rest of us still trying to grasp the basics of our exsistance? Some think this type of information was given to certain chosen few for the many lifetimes of great acts and selflessness and others believe reincarnating several lifetimes and learning a whole bunch of cool stuff. Some feel they have a personal phone line to the divine and are just given the privilege of accessing all this information. It's interesting though that both of these figureheads started off as human. Both were born, both wore diapers, both cried when they needed something and both grabbed the binkies out of other babies mouths,just like everyone else. So, what set them apart from the rest of humanity? What did they do or say in order to be so blessed?

In order to understand how they did it, you have to first understand what it is. (Spoiler alert, I'm about the let the cat out of the bag!). So, what is enlightenment? Enlightenment is nothing more then realization! Sorry to burst your bubble folks, but in a nutshell, that is all it is. It is the little “aha” moments where our brains,spirits and emotions are finally on the same page and whatever it was you were looking for now actually make sense! You've gone beyond thinking to now knowing! And even if the rest of the world thinks your out of your mind, you know with every part of your being that it's true and no matter what anyone else say's, it makes sense to you. And you get excited because you finally figured it out! No, I'm not downplaying the significance of this experience, because it's these spiritual experiences can be quite life changing and the basis for our exsistance! But the point I wanted to make is that enlightenment is really about your own understanding of whatever it is you are seeking.

Jesus came from a place where religion was everything. He was trained by man of the ways they felt were God. But Jesus had his own interpretations of what these texts meant. He saw beyond the words and looked for meaning to those words. He saw one thing, read another thing and felt yet another thing. It didn't make sense to him, so he went within himself to figure this out. Does this mean he didn't seek out God for answer's? Absolutely not!, Because,for him, he knew where his God was, and his God lived within him. He started figuring things out on his own. I have no doubt that what Jesus was seeking was truth so he had to go within to find the answers. The teachings and texts that were passed down to him spoke of an angry God, one of wrath and fire and brimstone and he probably did what a lot of people do now a days and seek to find the God of unconditional love and mercy that is spoken,yet never seen. The God that he didn't read in the texts, but felt inside his soul. And he found him. And when he found him, it all made sense now. He found himself or at least that side of himself. He found the loving and caring God he knew existed and that noone taught about. He was able to see through the veil of what man created and left those teachings behind. He found a new God and a new way to experience God. A way that was still somewhat instilled with the ancient texts, but a renewed way of thinking and living. Once he found this, it became his mission to show the world what he found. He made it his mission to give these people the opportunity to see what he saw, to experience what he experienced. And even though it cost him his life in the end, he felt it was so important, it was worth the risk. He knew people would shy away, and he knew it would get him into a whole lot of trouble, because he also knew that was taught to the people was not of his God. That the meaning behind what the leader's taught had nothing to do with spirituality and everything to do with greed, dominance and control over these people. But it all started with a deep seeded desire to seek the truth and he found that truth within. He was enlightened because he came to the realization that what was within was truth, his truth. That realization turned into a spiritual knowing and with that knowing he took what he found and shared it with the world and these teaching created a whole new religion.

Many people in our history have done the same exact thing, but one thing is consistent, the search for knowledge and the answers they received always came from within. Asking,and seeking. When we really want to know something, we do the same exact thing. What made these people so popular is that they took a train of thought or belief and gave their own interpretations of it. They could see outside of the box and didn't really care if people thought they were nuts or not. In fact, most of them was cast out and thought of as crazy until other's saw the truth within it. Many of them spoke in riddles because they understood that there is not just one answer for each question, there are many answers and many variables. But more important, they also knew, that there was more then one way and that the understanding that they came to was solely for them. This is why the riddles and codes. They knew their own understanding of the information but knew that it the importance for others to gain their own understanding to that knowledge as well and that it would most likely be different from their own. But just because it is different doesn't make it wrong. They had no desire to change their way of thinking just to force them back in the box, instead, they wanted them to learn and think for themselves. When you boil it all down to it's very core, that is the main lesson they were trying to teach. When a Mystic gives a story, the Mystic already knows what that story means to them, but they want others to figure out what it means to the person who listens to it. It will always be different, and in this sense, all are right and all are wrong, depending on how you look it. They are all right because they each fulfilled what they were supposed to and find their own meaning to it. Yet, they can all be wrong, because they will never figure out what it means to the Mystic, because they are not supposed to, because it defeats the entire purpose of the story!

Confusing? Not really. A Mystic's job on this planet is very simple. It is to show other's how to find the way. Since the Mystic knows it is a personal journey, the only way to teach this is by drawing on his or her own experiences and using this as example. Where it goes wrong is when people miss the point and mimic the Mystic. And this is were arguments come about which often cause more harm then good,because the people who are doing this, completely missed the point. Now, I'm no downing religion, drawing on traditions and beliefs are an important aspect of society, but if you are truly seeking enlightenment, you need to seek within and listen to that inner voice within. You know it is right for you, because it will feel right for you, it will make sense. It's your journey. Share it if you like, but these “enlightened moments” is YOUR map, to guide YOUR way through the journey of life. This is your very own Akashic records to life, your personal questions to spirituality, to everything.

So as you see, everyone is enlightened and noone is :) It doesn't mean you will know everything there is to know, because that to will defeat the purpose of life, but the more you seek, the more you find, and the more you seek for a deeper meaning to it. Some answers will come in a common sense way and others you really have to search for. If it's important and it matter's to you, you will find it. You have the same information as the Mystic's of old, and you have different information as well. Just remember, it can come in different ways. For some information , heaven's gates will open up and you will hear the angels sing, but more often then not, it will come in the form as “yeah, that makes complete sense” or “ I know that, but now it actually clicks!” Feel free to use as many outside sources as you please, as this will bring inspiration, but all in all, The Mystics of old had their own path to walk and you have your own to path. Allowing yourself the freedom to seek without fear will bring you to your path to enlightenment.

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