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Finding Your Life Purpose

   I used to believe that we were for a specific reason. A reason that was designated to us by some higher power that we are meant to fulfill before we leave this earth. In my 43 years on this planet, I figured out the purpose of the bigger purpose of our existence as whole, or at least what I believe it to be, is how individual purposes contribute to the whole and how the whole influences our choices as individuals. But, I also realized that even though we may have certain tasks we are called to fulfill, our purpose isn't something designated to us. It's not always destined, in fact, the only thing that seems to be destined are these tasks we are asked to fulfill, but the rest is up to us.

So, what I am talking about in this section is having the understanding of Fate and Destiny. There is a "big picture" which is mankind, the universe and everything else, basically the collective whole that seems to be governed by something higher and controls things for the greater good of everyone involved. I call this "fate". These things are the things that happen that we can't control, like death. I also place our Life Purpose into this category because when we are seeking our life purpose or questioning what our purpose of being here actually is, we often feel that we are per-destined to do something specific. We often do not feel that it is in our control, that something higher has already had this written in stone and the pull we often feel to fulfill this purpose is so strong that we cannot NOT do it! The biggest problem is trying to figure out what that purpose is. We feel the "call" to do something but often seek a lifetime for what it is we are pre-destined to do. We often wait and pray and wait some until we hear a voice from above telling us specifically what our purpose is! This is why I categorized life purpose under fate, because alot of people believe it is not a choice, it's pre-destined and already written in stone.

But on the flip side of life, we have the smaller picture, which is each person as individuals making independent choices and deciding what is best for our own selves and lives. This is the path of "destiny" where we get to chose how we live our lives and free to do as we wish.This path is governed by our own freewill. This is something you will read more about in more the Metaphysical circles. This concept allows us the freedom to create a life that we desire. It also makes us fully responsible for the choices we do make and the impact it has on our lives. Destiny is really more about taking control of our lives and leaving the choices up to ourselves instead of a higher power. You will find more extreme thoughts on this by reading books such as Abraham Hicks and the Law of Attraction. The benefits of destiny is freewill and having the freedom to make choices in our lives without being under the control or some higher being. However, with every Ying there is a Yang and for the destiny that would be trying to mesh our own freewill without violating the freewill of others. This doesn't always work out the way we plan and more often then not, our freewill is often dependent upon the cooperation of others.

Both Fate and Destiny are designed to give us enough space to allow us to develop our souls as individual beings but also teaches us how to work together. We are individual souls but we are also part of a collective whole of other souls. The core purpose of being here and living on a physical realm is simply to evolve the soul on an individual level and to also evolve the collective whole. It's through experiences that we learn who we are as individuals and we evolve into the person we are going to be. And though the individual journey is walked alone, we are not alone in that journey. It's through other people's freewil that allows us to experience things on a much deeper level and helps us understand ourselves better. They bring us the necessary tools we need in order to gain a deeper understanding of all aspects of the soul. How deep we are able to love and can that love run any deeper? How to forgive and how far does that forgiveness go? When to take a step back and when to stand up and fight. They teach us where the boundaries of our core values and beliefs stand,challanges those values and beliefs and helps us understand what they are and why we have them. They help us change and grow. By being in a physical body, we are able to experience things even deeper. It's through hug of a friend in time of need that goes beyond words and hits something deeper within the core of your being. It's the kiss of a lover that ignites the fire of passion. We experieince pain on a deeper level because we can feel everything. But we can also experience love on a deeper level, because we can feel that to. So, the greater picture that was planned for us is really about helping our souls grow on deeper levels and to show us the importance of not only individuality but the understand of what others actually do bring to us and we bring to them. We cannot grow or even understand the depths of our selves without these other people. We need them in order to move us into the direction we need to go and visa versa. This keeps us equals. Not one above the other. People that come into our lives are often a mirror reflection of what is within yourself that you could not see. They can reflect back your more negative side and show you what needs to be changed, or they can reflect something within your soul that is desired. The possibilities are endless. So, then core purpose for you being here is to learn and grow into whatever you are meant to be.

It's kind of like children. As parents,we often have visions of what our children will be when they grew older but when actually have children, we don't control what their personality will be. Sure, we can curve behaviors and be role models to them, teach them things, set boundaries or whatever, but we don't dictate what they will look like or even who they are. The higher powers of the universe are like our parents. They set boundaries, they help us out when we need them, but they do not control every aspect of our lives, even when we try to hand that control over to them. To do so would defeat the entire purpose of why we are here. Now through this individual growth, we also have alot of siblings who are also growing at different stages of their soul development and this is how we learn to co-exsist without giving up our freewill. How do we evolve as a collective with so many individual choices? That's part of the purpose! I don't thin they know our future anymore then we can determine the future of our children. We allow them the learn and grow just as we are allowed to do the same. We aren't meant to be drones, if this were the case, we wouldn't have been given freewill. So, soul evolution,both individual and as a collective are our main purpose for being here.

So, how do we find our individual purpose? I have found that the term "pre-destined" is subjective, just like everything else. If we have a specific reason for being here, then it's not because it was pre-planned by someone up above, unless of course they asked and you agreed to it before coming here, again, we're battling the law of freewill, but more likely because you came here for a specific reason that YOU chose to come here for. I have discovered that usually it's not about being here for a specific purpose, but finding a purpose in being here. It's doesn't mean that everything is random, but it also doesn't mean everything is pre-destined either. Not everything we do means something to us, so we have to find the purpose of doing it. We go to work, not always because we want to, so the purpose isn't for enjoyment, it's probebly more for survival. It's needed in order to fulfill other needs. You may get lucky and you may be able to get a job that you absolutely love. Usually that is because you went for a job or career that you were already passionate about. Or you went for a career that fulfilled you on a deeper level. Or it may have helped you elimnate and discover something you never knew and figured out that wasn't right for you. Which often leads you into a deeper realm of searching and discovering yourself. Looking within, having a basic understanding of what your passionate about, what you stand for, your desires, your dreams, the things you are gifted with, all these are tools that you have within to help you find that purpose and meaning in the things you do. These are the things that drive you to do what you what you do. And no matter what it is you do, it will ALWAYS contribute to the evolution of your soul, but also contribute to the greater collective of people in your world. And since the purpose of our existence is to grow and evolve, anything you chose to do will fulfill that purpose.

In short, your purpose IS to find purpose in your life and in your existence.

Now, I'm going to throw one more thing out there, because I struggled with this myself. In fact, it kind of prevented me from doing certain things because I went back to the whole fate versus destiny rule! I have a difficult time making choices because I know that any choices I make will effect somebody else. I also felt that if I started moving towards a specific direction and it was wrong, fate might step in. It got to the point of where I spent more time on the fence then actually doing anything because I was to busy bouncing fate and destiny back and forth. I didn't want to put my heart and soul into something and have the door shut in my face. But, I also couldn't bare trying to help when it was already pre-planned to fail to begin with. During this struggle A spirit come to me. I think I know now who she is now, as she has delivered a few messages to me in the past. But I'm going to read a portion of her message.

" Some things are done through Divine order, but not everything. I didn't have to come here. I could have just let "fate" takes it's course, but I didn't because I know that you are destined for something else. It's interventions such as these that not only help's destiny, but help's fate. Yes, I chose to come, but fate isn't always concrete. Fate is the grand design and is the part of fate that seems like we have no control over, but we do. Fate doesn't always take souls because it's "their time", that is why we are called to intervene. Our destinies are interconnected as is our fate, more often then not. Fate often changes our destinies, but our destiny often effects fate. Sometimes, fate is solid and sometimes it's flexible. We don't know which. It's almost like the wheel of fortune card in tarot. The wheel is turned and then stops. Then it takes another hand to turn it again. If noone turns the wheel then the wheel will remain stationary until someone decides to turn it once again. Is it the divine plan to stop turning? No, it needs that hand to turn it again, but who will turn it? We may not know where the wheel will stop, but we know that where it stops could change. A strong gust of wind could move it to the next slot. You never know how your destiny or your choices will effect fate because fate isn't always pre-destined either. Fate to has the freewill of destiny and destiny still needs to compounds of fate. No one really knows the natural course of things to come, the only thing we do know is change is the only thing that never changes.

So what I got from this message is to just do it! Do whatever it is your going to do. Follow destiny's path to wherever it leads you and know that you can't mess it up. Fate will follow your lead and though you can't control what could happen, it doesn't really matter, because you don't really know either way. If fate isn't always set in stone and it moves and changes with our destined path, then the outcome is unknown until you've actually reached it! We'll take this further later on when we discuss co-creation, but in the meantime, use the tools in your toolbox and discover your own purpose and use for those tools! Live your life with purpose and you will find your purpose within it!

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