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The Bible- God's Word or Man's Word

The way that I see it is the Bible is one gigantic book of channeled messages. Though there may be some history to, it is very clear that the data in this book is based on the perceptions and understandings a certain people. The original text or stories written down were passed down from generation to generation. It will also reflect the beliefs and perceptions of the writers. Though I have no doubt that God had inspired many of these texts and lessons, I don't think it's meant for everyone. When we pray to God or to our divine and we seek guidance that guidance is meant to help direct us and whatever situation we are in at the moment according to our own belief systems. Just because God tells me to do something specific does not mean that everyone needs to do it.
A good example of this as Moses. He asked God how to lead his people. God gave him 10 rules to start with. The rest of the rules were given or inspired according to their culture and belief system of that time. Many of those rules don't apply to many of our cultures and belief systems today. In fact, we reject most of them. In his day, slaves were acceptable, and so he was told or inspired on how to treat them properly. Since we are not slave owners, we do not need guidance on how to treat our slaves. We do not believe and handing our daughters over to strangers for the night in order to show. In that culture, it was considered hospitality. In our culture it is considered child prostitution and abuse.
The truth in the Bible is based on other people's truth but it does not make that actual truth unless someone believes in that belief. People argue all the time over the Bible because each person has their own interpretation of what it means. They attempt to understand God's interpretation of it because God spoke to these people according to their own interpretations and beliefs. Meaning if you are wanting to understand what the Bible is saying then then you would have to understand how the writer interprets these messages. Since it is clear that the writer is not the person who experienced these things, then we would have to also attempt to interpret the perception of the person who experienced it, which is impossible to do. First, because the original experience was an individual one which can’t be experienced the same exact way by another person. But then, the writer is writing according to their own interpretation which also clouds more of the original experience.
This is why there is a difference between religion and spirituality and what Jesus was actually trying to show. Religion is a group agreement on one perception and interpretation of these messages. But to the person who actually received these messages, it was a personal experience that helped them in specific situations, and we will never truly understand their interpretation or perception because it wasn't our own . The best we can do is gain our own understanding and use that as a guide or discard it all together. These personal experiences were spiritual in nature therefore tailor made for that individual alone. What someone else gains from it is also individualized according to each individual interpretation if it.
Does this make the bible false and not God’s word? No, It is clear that these people sought council to their higher being, aka God and received messages according to their needs, and beliefs, interpreted it in their own way and then applied it to their own situation. So, in this sense, I do believe God sent messages and assisted in personal matters, just as he does today. Do I belief that the bible is true? Yes, to those who find truth in it. The bible isn’t meant as a tell-all for every person. People find inspiration from it and often apply these inspirational ideas to their own lives and belief systems. Many religions have changed, altered or discarded many of the texts and guidance in order to fit their current needs and social standards.
There is spirituality in religion because even if a whole bunch of people agree on a particular belief system, their perception on what that belief means to them still remains and will be applied according to that personal interpretation of it. Some need this framework in order to follow and to move forward in their own spiritual path. But Spirituality is the individual connection between mankind and their maker. Whereas Religion is a group agreement to commit to the standards placed by one person and their interpretation of those standards. In short, Religion is a group belief system and social integration of ONE belief system, whereas spirituality is the individual interpretation and connection of their divine source by themselves.
The bible is spiritual in nature because it documents the many different and personalized experiences of many people and their one on one divine experiences. But it is also religious in nature because the book is based on the interpretations of many writers and is put together for the sole reason to promote one particular belief system. It’s important to understand this aspect concerning the bible so you are clear about your intentional views or use of the bible and can more easily use it to help you to utilize it best on your spiritual path, if you choose to use. It is a tool in order to help you connect to your divine source but is clearly not a tell -all on how God expects you to live your life.
In the bible, many people had many different situations that they called upon. Each situation was handled differently because the messages that were inspired were for that person alone and how to handle that situation for themselves. This is why it seems to not be ok to kill for some, and ok for others to slaughter an entire village of people. Why one is punished for a particular “sin” and another rewarded for committing the same exact “sin”. We can say it’s due to intentions, and though this may be partly true, we really don’t know because we don’t know what is inside of each person during that time. The only thing that these situations tell us is that these people sought answers on an individual level, and received messages on an individual level. It’s been like this since the beginning of time and we still see it today! A pastor can teach a particular scripture and will teach it according to his own interpretation of that scripture or it will inspire him/her to see something completely different because they may be trying to apply these scriptures to modern day society, which changes the original interpretation of the original person who experienced it to begin with. Yet, it still offer’s the ability to inspire new ways of thinking.
So is the Bible God’s word or Man’s word? Both and Neither. It is God’s messages and guidance to many different people on an individual basis. Nothing more, nothing less. But it still has the capability to inspire new thoughts and ideas. It can teach us lessons of the past and allows us to reflect how we have changed as a whole. It teaches us the deeper meanings of things such as faith, hope and trust in our higher being and can still be used as a resource or a connection to God, if we need that. But, it also based on the perception and interpretation of the message’s recipient and their experiences. And that of the writers and creators of the book and their perceptions and intentions behind creation of it. Because a specific purpose of several men is behind the creation of the bible, then we have to read and understand it according to them, not necessarily God. This is why I call it a tool, and it’s not meant for everyone. It’s not a global message system from God to his people on a large scale, but, God may choose to use it to also deliver messages for those who find inspiration from it. We are given many tools on our spiritual journey and the bible is one of many!

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