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Why God Doesn't Answer Our Prayers

If we bring God off the pedestal for just a few moments and we look at him for who he truly is, he is our father. Now if you were a multimillionaire and had 5 kids, wouldn't you give your kids everything they need according to their needs? Say one is a drug-addict, would you give him the money? no, because you know that all you are doing is killing him, so instead you pay for 6 months in re-hab and a decent house to go to after he gets out, away from his friends so he has a chance to start over.

My point is that what you need and what the cancer patient needs are two different things. God works in mysterious ways and has a whole ton of people on his side working to help him fulfill what everyone needs. Now stay with me cause if I'm going to loose you, it will be here. There are two things I'm going to hit on, one is freewill and the second is soul desire. Many times God will try to help us and we put "stipulations" on him, so we say, ok God, I NEED money. God sees that you need the money for food so he brings someone your way to direct you to where to get some food or hand's you a gift card to Safeway. We are happy for the food, but soon the food will run out, so we tell God, I don't want the food, I need a job. The next day a friend takes you to lunch at McDonald's and there is a sign that says' Now hiring". You blow the sign off because your a contractor not a cashier, but GOD knows that business is slow and this job help you pay your bills until the job you want opens up. Then we cry to God asking why we can't have a job. He brought us to the job but WE chose not to take what he gave us. ( freewill) You see what I mean? He did provide but our own will pretty much blew it.

Sometimes we want help with something and even though the end result is good,things have to get worse before they get better. Then we get mad at God for making us go through that, but because the world is the way it is and he has to get around everyone else's free will on top of can be pretty tricky,

Ok, souls desire. This one is a bit more complicated to explain. Our soul is the core of our being. We have thoughts and emotions ( things I call surface emotions) because these things run in layers. The soul often has it's own agenda and what manifests are usually the desires of the soul and not the desires of the mind and this is why therapy usually takes years,lol.

For example your desire is to be rich and famous. You have your dream home and car already picked out. Going a little deeper , you really don't like the lifestyle of the rich and famous nor do you like standing up in front of a crowd of a hundred people. The reason why you don't like it is because you view these people as shallow and self-absorbed. The reason why you don't like these people is because they look down on people who are not in their same class of people and treat them as they are not worth the air they breathe. This reminds you of your dad and how he treated you when you didn't live up to his standards. This makes you angry and upset and you begin to realize that all you wanted was to to feel respected and accepted. So your soul's desire doesn't want to be rich and famous, it just wants to to feel loved and accepted.

This is another reason why prayers aren't answered in the way we envision, because out truest desires are the one's that manifest.This is the energy you send out to the universe, your core energy, and this is the energy that will be brought to you , but because it is deeper, we often don't realize what we send out. This is part of the reason why we attract the people and situations we do. So I am a true believer that every prayer gets answered even when we don't realize we prayed for it,lol.

Now we gotta go into the "Big Picture" . This plan is the plan that is set in motion that not even free will change. Meaning if someone did something stupid that would cause a person to live or die, if part of the plan was to keep them alive because they had a certain purpose later on, then the stupid action of the one individual will have little effect on what should have happened. These are usually what we call miracles, divine intervention , or whatever you choose to call them . It's the situations where the bullet was just millimeters from you and there was no way it could have missed, but somehow it did. This is because the freewill of the person shooting the gun was intercepted by a greater force in order to fulfill the "greater purpose. This could happen in many situations in life.

This run's along the line of "Fate" (The greater things that are out of our control) versus "Destiny" (Freewill and the choices we make that are within our control). There is always a checks and balances within the world and within our existence. Both fate and destiny contribute to the growth of our individual souls and to the growth of the whole. Sometimes things work out in our favor, and other times it doesn't because we are unable to see the final results of the effect it not only has on ourselves but to the other people our choices involve. We assume that God controls everything,but the reality is, he has relinquished much of that control over to us in order for us to make decisions for ourselves. Without this, we would not have our freewill and we would be unable to grow into the soul we are meant to become. And without some intervention, our choices could have devastating effects to the world and mankind as we know it since freewill often collides with the freewill of others. This checks and balances system allows for us to grow as individuals and as a whole (soul evolution) without completely giving us full reign so all existence can continue to exist.

God, or whoever the Divine force is, takes a personal interest in everyone and everything. We have the ability to choose how close or how far away we are from him/her. We are not a burden, we are no less worthy than the other because we are all his/her children. We are loved and cared for. And faith in that belief allows us to understand that their is a greater purpose to the things that happen in our lives.

Every prayer is answered one way or the other. Sometimes it's yes, sometimes it's no. Sometimes it's "wait awhile". So the questions isn't "why doesn't God answer my prayer's", the question should be "Are you willing to accept the answer you receive?".

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